On Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill:CHAPTER 14,THE SIXTH SENSE,THE DOOR TO THE TEMPLE OF WISDOM,The Thirteenth Step toward Riches

On Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill:CHAPTER 14,THE SIXTH SENSE,THE DOOR TO THE TEMPLE OF WISDOM,The Thirteenth Step toward Riches


Tapping The Source Of Inspiration

My inner voice & hunches have always been there. My sixth sense quietly whispering.  I find that I frequently followed them to learn new information or get answers to questions.


My biggest struggle has been believing enough, and trusting enough that they were the right things for me to be doing once the answers were gotten. I was always waiting and listening for those who were “in charge”, or “knew what was right for me”, the correct activity to be taking with the answers. Unfortunately it usually backfired in my face. I have always had a hard time feeling like I was relating to those people.


A Mighty Force Of Slow Growth

I have discovered that I have to align myself with the people who Mr. Hill speaks of in the chapter about the Master Mind Group. Many of these people have been in the Mentoring For Free and 30 Day Mental Cleanse Group. My Sixth Sense was telling me to find the people who I needed. Ever since, my hunches, the answers and activities have begun to line up and things are getting better every day. Magical things just show up, goals are easier to achieve and activities are a whole lot more fun.


Relax and trust in your Sixth Sense.


Thank you so much for everything,

Vanessa Hart Colorado USA

30 Day Mental Cleanse Forum

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